Sunday, August 31, 2014

La Memoria 13 "5 Lost cities"

1. Petra

Petra, the fabled “rose red city, half as old as time”, was the ancient capital of the Nabataean kingdom. A vast, unique city, carved into the side of the Wadi Musa Canyon in southern Jordan centuries ago by the Nabataeans, who turned it into an important junction for the silk and spice routes that linked China, India and southern Arabia with Egypt, Greece and Rome. After several earthquakes crippled the vital water management system the city was almost completely abandoned in the 6th century. After the Crusades, Petra was forgotten in the Western world until the lost city was rediscovered by the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812.

>> Petra, atau dalam legenda di sebut sebagai kota mawar merah, di juluki sebagai kota yang memiliki usia separuh dari usia waktu itu sendiri. Petra adalah ibukota dari kerajaan Nabatean. sebuah kota unik yang di ukir langsung di pegunungan berabad-abad lalu oleh para penduduk Nabatean, yang menjadikannya sebagai jalur singgah yang penting bagi perdagangan sutra yang terhubung ke China, India, Mesir, Yunani dan Romawi. Setelah beberapa gempa bumi menghancurkan sistem air, kota tersebut hampir sepenuhnya di lupakan. setelah perang salib, Petra benar-benar di lupakan hingga di temukan kembali oleh Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, seorang penjelajah asal Swiss pada tahun 1812

2. Pompeii

On August 24, 79 AD, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, covering the nearby town Pompeii with ash and soil, and subsequently preserving the city in its state from that fateful day. Everything from jars and tables to paintings and people were frozen in time. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum, were abandoned and eventually their names and locations were forgotten. They were rediscovered as the results of excavations in the 18th century. The lost cities have provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of people living two thousand years ago.

>> Pada tanggal 24 Agustus, gunung berapi Vesuvius meledak dan menutupi kota terdekat, Pompeii dengan abu dan tanah,dan tetap mempertahankan keadaan kota itu sejak terjadinya letusan. segalanya- mulai dari guci dan meja hingga lukisan dan orang-orang seolah terbekukan waktu. Pompeii dan Herculaneum, mulai di lupakan dan lambat laun nama dan tempat merekapun terlupakan. Keduanya  di temukan kembali pada abad ke-18 dalam sebuah penggalian.

3. Ani

Situated along a major east-west caravan route, Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century AD and had become a flourishing town and the capital of Armenia in the 10th century. The many churches built there during this period included some of the finest examples of medieval architecture and earned its nickname as the “City of 1001 Churches”. At its height, Ani had a population of 100,000 to 200,000 people. It remained the chief city of Armenia until Mongol raids in the 13th century, a devastating earthquake in 1319, and shifting trade routes sent it into an irreversible decline. Eventually the city was abandoned and largely forgotten for centuries. The ruins are now located in Turkey.

>> Berlokasi di sepanjang rute utama caravan, Ani pertama sekali di kenal pada abad ke-5 dan telah menjadi sebuah kota yang berkembang serta ibukota dari Armenia pada abad ke-10. banyak gereja yang di bangun di sini selama periode ini. Gereja-gereja tersebut kebanyakan di bangun dengan gaya arsitektural abad pertengahan, karena banyaknya gereja di kota ini, maka kota ini mendapatkan julukan "Kota 1001 gereja". Namun, sebuah gempa bumi hebat pada tahun 1319 membuat kota ini terlupakan dari peradaban. saat ini, reruntuhannya dapat kita lihat di Turki

4. Ctesiphon

In the 6th century Ctesiphon was one of the largest city in the world and one of the great cities of ancient Mesopotamia. Because of its importance, Ctesiphon was a major military objective for the Roman Empire and was captured by Rome, and later the Byzantine Empire, five times. The city fell to the Muslims during the Islamic conquest of Persia in 637. After the founding of the Abbasid capital at Baghdad in the 8th century the city went into a rapid decline and soon became a ghost town. Ctesiphon is believed to be the basis for the city of Isbanir in the Thousand and One Nights. Located in Iraq, the only visible remain today is the great arch Taq-i Kisra.

>> Pada abad ke-6, Ctesiphon merupakan salah satu kota terbesar di dunia dan merupakan salah satu kota kuno Mesopotamia yang menakjubkan. karena pentingnya kota ini, Ctesiphon menjadi target utama kekuatan militer romawi. Kota ini ditaklukkan oleh Roma, lalu kerajaan Bizantium sebanyak 5 kali. kota ini jatuh ke tangan kaum Muslimin selama kaum muslimin menaklukkan Persia pada tahun 637.
Setelah berdirinya ibukota Abbasiyah di baghdad pada abad ke-8 kota ini mulai di tinggalkan dan dengan segera menjadi kota kosong.
Ctesiphon di percaya menjadi dasar utama dari kota Isbanir dalam kisah seribu satu malam. Berlokasi di Iraq, satu-satunya hal yang terlihat hingga kini hanyalah lengkungan besar Taq-i Kisra.

5. Palmyra

For centuries Palmyra (“city of palm trees”) was an important and wealthy city located along the caravan routes linking Persia with the Mediterranean ports of Roman Syria. Beginning in 212, Palmyra’s trade diminished as the Sassanids occupied the mouth of the Tigris and the Euphrates. The Roman Emperor Diocletian built a wall and expanded the city in order to try and save it from the Sassanid threat. The city was captured by the Muslim Arabs in 634 but kept intact. The city declined under Ottoman rule, reducing to no more than an oasis village. In the 17th century its location was rediscovered by western travelers.

>> Selama beberapa abad, Palmyra (kota pohon palem) menjadi sebuah kota yang penting dan kaya. Kota ini terletak di jalur karavan yang menghubungkan Persia dengan pelabuhan Mediterania, Roma dan Suriah. 
Bermula pada tahun 212, perdagangan Palmyra mulai mengalami penurunan, sejak Sassanid menduduki mulut Tigris dan Efrat. Kaisar Roma, Diocletian membuat sebuah dinding dan meluaskan kota untuk mencoba menyelamatkan kota dari ancaman Sassanid. kota ini di taklukkan oleh orang Arab pada tahun 634 namun tetap di biarkan utuh. Kota ini mengalami penurunan sejak di perintah oleh Ottoman, dan lambat laun hanya menyisakan tidak lebih dari sebuah desa oasis. pada abad ke-17 lokasi kota ini kembali di temukan oleh penjelajah barat.

Source :

Sept 1st, 2014

La Memoria - 12 "Au Revoir"

au revoir is a word from  French language that has been widely adapted to various languages ​​in the world, so it is not foreign in the hearing. The word itself has a similar meaning with see u or ja ne, which implies to meet again after parting.

>> au revoir adalah sebuah kata dari prancis yang telah banyak di adaptasi ke berbagai bahasa di belahan dunia, sehingga sudah tidak asing lagi di dengar. kata ini sendiri memiliki arti yang senada dengan see u atau ja ne, yang menyiratkan untuk bertemu kembali setelah sebuah perpisahan.

Sept 1st, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

La Memoria - 10 'Spica'

Spica looks like one star, but it is at least two stars, both larger and hotter than our sun, orbiting only 18 million kilometers (11 million miles) apart. That’s in contrast to 150 million kilometers for Earth’s distance from our sun. Their mutual gravity distorts each star into an egg shape, with the pointed ends facing each other as they whirl around, completing a single orbit in only four days. Follow the links below to learn more about Spica, brightest star in the constellation Virgo the Maiden.

Located close to the ecliptic, Spica can be occulted by the moon sometimes by the planets. The last planetary occultation of Spica occurred when venus passed in front of the star (as seen from earth) on November 10, 1783. The next occultation will occur on September 2, 2197, when Venus again passes in front of Spica. The Sun passes a little more than 2° north of Spica around October 16 every year, and the star's heliacal rising occurs about two weeks later. Every 8 years, Venus passes Spica around the time of the star's heliacal rising, as in 2009 when it passed 3.5° north of the star on November 3.
A method of finding Spica is to follow the arc of the handle of the big dipper to arcturus, and then continue on the same angular distance to Spica. This can be recalled by the mnemonic phrase, "arc to Arcturus and spike to Spica."

The name Spica derives from spīca virginis "Virgo's ear of grain" (usually wheat). In Chinese astronomy, the star is known asJiao Xiu 1 (角宿一) in Jiau xiu, one of the chinese constellations.  Medieval names include Azimech, from Arabic السماك الأعزل al-simāk al-a‘zal 'the Undefended', and Alarph, Arabic for 'the Grape Gatherer'. Other titles include Sumbalet ("the corn ear", Arabic name for Virgo), Sombalet, Sembalet Eleandri, Shibbōleth, Citrā, Sa-Sha-Shirū, Kió, Repā.

>> Spica adalah bintang ke-15 yang paling terang di kegelapan langit malam, bintang ini terletak pada gugusan bintang virgo, sehingga menjadikan rasi bintang virgo sebagai salah satu rasi bintang yang paling mudah di temukan di dunia. Spica atau Alpha Virgin adalah bintang paling terang di rasi Virgo. Spica di percaya membantu Hipparchus meneukan sebuah kuil di Thebes yang menunjukkan bahwa kuil tersebut di bangun pada tahun 3200 sebelum masehi.

Source :

August 27th 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

La Memoria - 9 "What's Difference?" (2)

Scotch, Bourbon, Whiskey

The main difference between scotch and whisky is geographic, but also ingredients and spellings. Scotch is whisky made in Scotland, while bourbon is whiskey made in the U.S.A, generally Kentucky. Scotch is made mostly from malted barley, while bourbon is distilled from corn.
If you’re in England and ask for a whisky, you’ll get Scotch. But in Ireland, you’ll get Irish whiskey (yep, they spell it differently for a little colour).

On this side of the pond, we have our own local color, too. The difference between Tennessee Whiskey, like Jack Daniel’s, for example, and Bourbon is that after the spirit is distilled, Tennessee Whiskey is filtered through sugar-maple charcoal.This filtering, known as the Lincoln County Process, is what distinguishes Tennessee Whiskey from your average Bourbon, like Jim Beam. The name, Bourbon, comes from an area known as Old Bourbon, around what is now Bourbon County, Kentucky.
On top of these types of whiskey, we also have Rye, which can refer either to American rye whiskey, which must be distilled from at least 51 percent rye or Canadian whisky, which may or may not actually include any rye in its production process. Confusing! Right?

>> Scotch adalah wiski yang di buat di Scotland sedangkan Bourbon adalah wiski yang di buat di Amerika. Scotch kebanyakan di buat dari barley (semacam gandum dan biasanya di pakai untuk membuat bir) yang di fermentasikan. Secara hukum, wiski Scotch harus di simpan di Skotlandia selama minimal 3 tahun sebelum di pasarkan ke negara lain

Source :

August 25th, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

La Memoria - 8 " Hors d'oeuvre"

Hors d'oeuvre are food items served before the main courses of a meal, typically smaller than main dishes.

>> Hors d'oeuvre adalah makanan pembuka yang di sajikan sebelum makanan utama. biasanya makanan pembuka ini lebih ringan daripada makanan utama. contohnya seperti salad.

Here's the example :

Assortment of hors d'oeuvres

Swiss Cuisine

Deviled eggs

Japanese Zensai

Crudites Variees

source :'oeuvre

August 23rd, 2014

La Memoria - 7 "Cafe Wall Illusion"

The cafe wall illusion is a geometrical-optical illusion in which the parallel straight dividing lines between staggered rows with alternating black and white "bricks" appear to be sloped.

It was first described under the name Kindergarten illusion, and re-discovered by Richard Gregory in 1973. According to Gregory, this effect was observed by a member of his laboratory, Steve Simpson, in the tiles of the wall of a café at the bottom of St Michael's Hill,Bristol. It is a variant of the shifted-chessboard illusion originated by Münsterberg.

In the construction of the optical illusion often each "brick" is surrounded by a layer of "mortar" intermediate between the dark and light colours of the "bricks".

In the first and quite successful attempt at its deconstruction the illusion was ascribed largely to irradiation, the light spread from dark to bright zones in the retinal image, and indeed the image disappears when black and white are replaced by different colours of the same brightness (isoluminant). But a component of the illusion remains even when all optical and retinal components are factored out. Contrast polarities seem to be the determining factor in the tilt's direction.

>> Cafe wall Illusion adalah ilusi optik dimana garis pararel yang lurus dan terbagi dalam beberapa kolom dan memiliki dua warna dominan (seperti papan catur) di deretkan dengan beberapa garis paralel lain yang juga serupa akan memunculkan efek bergerak.

Check this out :

Source :

August 23rd, 2014

La Memoria - 6 "Hering Illusion"

The Hering illusion is a one of the geometrical-optical illusions and was discovered by the German physiologist Ewald Hering in 1861. When two straight and parallel lines are presented in front of radial background (like the spokes of a bicycle), the lines appear as if they were bowed outwards. 

>> Hering Illusion adalah ilusi optik yang di temukan oleh psikolog berkebangsaan Jerman Ewald Hering pada tahun 1861. Ketika dua garis lintang yang sejajar di tampilkan pada background yang radial, garis tersebut akan tampak seperti melengkung. 

Here is the picture:

Source :

August 23rd, 2014

La Memoria - 5 "Jastrow Illusion"

With their left sides aligned,
the lower figure appears larger
Shifting the upper figure
to the right reveals their identical sizes

The Jastrow illusion is an optical illusion discovered by the American psychologist Joseph Jastrow in 1889. In this illustration, the two figures are identical, although the lower one appears to be larger. The short edge of the upper figure is compared to the long side of the lower one.

>> Jastrow Illusion adalah ilusi optik yang di temukan oleh seorang psikolog berkebangsaan Amerika, Joseph Jastrow pada tahun 1889. Joseph mendeskripsikan, bahwa salah satu dari dua benda yang identik akan terlihat lebih kecil jika diletakkan di atas benda yang lainnya.

Source :

August 23rd, 2014

La Memoria - 4 "The Candle"

Part 1 – in the middle of snow

London-di tepi sungai Thames,

Angin beku menghembus di sela ranting-ranting pohon yang telah lama menanggalkan dedaunan, menggerak-gerakkannya membuat sepasang mata mungil mengikuti gerakannya yang agak liar. Seorang gadis kecil berusia sekitar tujuh tahun meringkuk di bawahnya, berharap angin itu berhenti berhembus, sambil merapatkan syal yang melilit lehernya, ia menghela nafas berat dan kepulan asap putih muncul di hadapannya, membuatnya merasa sedikit hangat.

Gadis itu menggosok-gosokkan lengannya yang tidak bersarung dan merapatkan kerudungnya, ia baru akan bangkit saat sebuah kaleng mendarat di pipinya, ‘hangat’ pikirnya sambil berusaha menyunggingkan seulas senyum, namun berhenti karena ia takut bibir mungilnya terluka.

“Minum itu.” Kata seorang anak laki-laki yang duduk di sebelahnya dan menegak cairan-yang tampaknya hangat-dari kaleng yang persis seperti yang tengah di genggam si gadis.

“Gutt.” Mata gadis itu berbinar senang “Kau tiba-tiba menghilang, membuatku cemas.”

“Aku selalu di sana, kau saja yang tidak melihatku.” Gutt mengikat tali sepatunya sebelum menegak habis minumannya

“Well, kau dapat berapa?” Gadis itu meraba saku celemeknya dan baru akan mulai menghitung saat Gutt memberinya isyarat untuk diam.

“Sssttt.” Gutt menggerakkan matanya mengikuti bayang-bayang di antara pepohonan tidak jauh dari mereka.

“Kau-yakin?” tanya sosok pertama, suaranya terdengar berat, suara seorang pria.

“Pengecut! Kau mau mundur? Kita sudah sejauh ini.” Sosok kedua lebih jangkung dan tampaknya suara itu datang dari seorang wanita.


“Suara apa itu?” gadis itu berbisik di sebelah Gutt.

“Ssst.” Gutt memberinya isyarat untuk diam, dan gadis itu mengatup bibirnya rapat-rapat.

Setelah bayangan kedua sosok tadi menjauh, Gutt melangkah keluar dari balik pohon persembunyiannya “Diam di sini.” Katanya dan gadis itu mengangguk menuruti.

Aliran sungai Thames menuju ke arah mereka, di bawah sinar rembulan, mereka dapat melihat sebuah keranjang mengapung, Gutt menyonsong keranjang itu, dan di dalamnya, ia melihat apa yang telah di duganya.

Seorang bayi mungil tertidur pulas, seolah kebekuan dunia tidak menyentuhnya, seolah salju-salju yang berjatuhan ke dalam keranjang adalah bola-bola kapas yang membuatnya semakin hangat.

“Apa dia-“

“Lihat nafasnya? Dia masih hidup.”

“Syukurlah.” Gadis itu melepaskan syalnya dan menyelimuti si bayi, memeluknya dan berbagi sedikit kehangatan yang ia punya.

“Kita harus segera pergi dari sini, kau urus dia.” Gutt menyambar kotak yang selalu di bawa si gadis dan menuntun mereka melewati salju yang menggunung hingga ke lutut.


August 23rd, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

La Memoria - 3 " Diamond Dust "

Diamond dust is a ground-level cloud composed of tiny ice crystals. This meteorological phenomenon is also referred to simply as ice crystals and is reported in the METAR as IC. Diamond dust generally forms under otherwise clear or nearly clear skies, so it is sometimes referred to as clear-sky precipitation. It is most commonly observed in Antarctica and the Arctic, but it can occur anywhere with a temperature well below freezing. In Polar regions diamond dust may continue for several days without interruption.

Diamond dust is similar to fog in that it is a cloud based at the surface; however, it differs from fog in two main ways. Generally fog refers to a cloud composed of liquid water (the term ice fog usually refers to a fog that formed as liquid water and then froze, and frequently seems to occur in valleys with airborne pollution such as Fairbanks,Alaska, while diamond dust forms directly as ice). Also, fog is a dense enough cloud to significantly reduce visibility, while diamond dust is usually very thin and may not have any effect on visibility (there are far fewer crystals in a volume of air than there are droplets in the same volume with fog). However, diamond dust can often reduce the visibility, in some cases to under 600 m (2,000 ft).

The depth of the diamond dust layer can vary substantially from as little as 20 to 30 m (66 to 98 ft) 300 metres (980 ft). Because diamond dust does not always reduce visibility it is often first noticed by the brief flashes caused when the tiny crystals, tumbling through the air, reflect sunlight to your eye. This glittering effect gives the phenomenon its name since it looks like many tiny diamonds are flashing in the air.

>> Diamond dust atau debu berlian sama dengan kabut namun terdapat dua perbedaan utama antara diamond dust dengan kabut biasa. pada umumnya, kabut mengacu pada awan atau gumpalan yang tersusun dari cairan (kabut es biasanya mengacu pada sebuah kabut yang terbentuk dari benda cair yang membeku). lagipula kabut adalah awan yang cukup tebal sehingga mempengaruhi penglihatan sedangkan diamond dust sangat tipis dan biasanya tidak mempengaruhi penglihatan.

Source :
August 23rd, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

La Memoria - 2 " What's difference?"

Forest, Jungle, Woods???

Sebagai peminat games RPG, awalnya saya kebingungan, karena ketiga nama ini muncul secara bersamaan dalam satu games, sementara setahu saya, arti ketiganya sama saja, namun sekarang lebih kurang saya sudah tahu dimana perbedaannya, dan akan berbagi dengan anda :D

Sumber :

Woods and forests both have natural areas filled with trees, but woods are smaller and have fewer kinds of plants and animals.
Forests have lots of shade because trees grow closely together in an area with a high density of trees. On the other hand, woods have plenty of sunlight because they have less vegetation.
Like forests, woods are also areas in the wild, but they are much smaller. In a forest, natural sunlight barely comes through the canopy of trees, whereas sunlight is abundant in a wood. A wood has a dense growth of trees that is typically larger than a grove but smaller than a forest. Forests are either deciduous or evergreen in nature, and they are large areas where there are many animals.

As for a jungle, a jungle is a dense forest.

>> Intinya, 'woods' adalah area alami yang di penuhi pepohonan tetapi lebih kecil dari forest, dan spesies tumbuhan serta hewan yang hidup di woods lebih sedikit dari di forest. dan intensitas cahaya yang masuk ke woods lebih banyak daripada cahaya yang merambat melalui celah-celah pepohonan di forest.sementara jungle memiliki pepohonan yang lebih padat daripada forest.





a Rainy afternoon
August 19th, 2014

La Memoria - 1

Aku duduk di depan jendela, menggesek biola perlahan, kulihat angin menerbangkan dedaunan, seperti musik yang mengalir dalam nadiku. Kudengar langit menuturkan ritme yang teratur lewat jutaaan tetes yang mengelus bumi, mengusik jiwa kanakku untuk berlari dan menyentuhnya.

I sat in front of a window while playing a violin slowly, I see the wind blow away the leaves, like music flowing in my veins. I heard the sky said regular rhythm through millions of drops that caressed the earth, disturb my childish soul to touch it.

Saya masih belajar, mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata yang salah, mohon bantu saya untuk mengoreksinya :)

a rainy afternoon
August 19th 2014