Tuesday, August 19, 2014

La Memoria - 2 " What's difference?"

Forest, Jungle, Woods???

Sebagai peminat games RPG, awalnya saya kebingungan, karena ketiga nama ini muncul secara bersamaan dalam satu games, sementara setahu saya, arti ketiganya sama saja, namun sekarang lebih kurang saya sudah tahu dimana perbedaannya, dan akan berbagi dengan anda :D

Sumber : http://www.ask.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-a-forest-and-a-wood

Woods and forests both have natural areas filled with trees, but woods are smaller and have fewer kinds of plants and animals.
Forests have lots of shade because trees grow closely together in an area with a high density of trees. On the other hand, woods have plenty of sunlight because they have less vegetation.
Like forests, woods are also areas in the wild, but they are much smaller. In a forest, natural sunlight barely comes through the canopy of trees, whereas sunlight is abundant in a wood. A wood has a dense growth of trees that is typically larger than a grove but smaller than a forest. Forests are either deciduous or evergreen in nature, and they are large areas where there are many animals.

As for a jungle, a jungle is a dense forest.

>> Intinya, 'woods' adalah area alami yang di penuhi pepohonan tetapi lebih kecil dari forest, dan spesies tumbuhan serta hewan yang hidup di woods lebih sedikit dari di forest. dan intensitas cahaya yang masuk ke woods lebih banyak daripada cahaya yang merambat melalui celah-celah pepohonan di forest.sementara jungle memiliki pepohonan yang lebih padat daripada forest.








a Rainy afternoon
August 19th, 2014

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