Friday, September 26, 2014

My Journey - 2 "Hot!"

September, 27th 2014
to be honest, I can eat it just cuz
 the one that bring it
is one of beautiful lady
(in other word, it feel like hell too)

It's fun to play in the yard when raining, but I forget that my body will not able to defend the cold, when I back home, I lying on the bed and this morning, when I wake up, my head feel like hell and I think I must sleep forever.
Lucky, there's a girl neighbor that bring me a bowl of (how must I call it?) soup and porridge (I think, I just need a bowl of porridge but the soup is nice)
(....and when U come again, please bring some sugar or candy ) :D


La Memoria - 19 "Coffe Culture around the world"

1. Italy

 You’ll surely get an eye roll or two if you order a to-go cup at an Italian café, for espresso is the Italians’ version of to-go coffee. This strong brew served in tiny cups is commonly sipped while standing at cafes. And don’t order a cappuccino late in the day in Italy, either -- the only appropriate time to enjoy this drink is in the morning.

 >> jika kalian pergi ke cafe Italia, kalian akan terkejut karena di Italia espresso hanyalah kopi 'sekali teguk' yang di sajikan dalam cangkir ukuran kecil.

 2. Turkey

-Türk Kahvesi
A famous Turkish proverb says that coffee should be “as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love.” This thick brew is usually served after meals from a long-handled copper pot called a cezve, alongside chewy Turkish candy.

 >> Berbeda dari pemahaman awam bahwa kopi haruslah pahit, kopi dari Turki ini menjanjikan rasa yang berbeda sesuai dengan pepatah yang ada di negara tersebut "Kopi itu harusnya sehitam setan, sekuat kematian dan semanis cinta."

 3. Denmark


Perhaps due to the cold and dark Scandinavian winters, coffee consumption in Denmark has always been some of the highest in the world. Coffee is such a vital part of the Danish culture that packed cafes can be found on nearly every corner, especially in cities like Copenhagen.

 >> Jangan heran jika berkunjung ke Denmark dan menemukan kopi di tiap sudut kota Denmark apalagi di Copenhagen. karena musim dingin di negara ini menjadikan kopi sebagai syarat utama untuk beraktifitas hingga kebiasaan meminum kopi mengakar kuat dalam budaya Denmark.

 4. France

-Café au Lait

The French begin the day with their café au lait -- coffee with hot milk served in a mug wide enough to allow the dunking of baguettes or croissants.

 >> Orang Prancis memulai harinya dengan meminum kopi yang disajikan dengan susu hangat di dalam sebuah mug yang cukup lebar

 5. Cuba

-Café Cubano

 Cubans like their coffee strong -- first thing in the morning, after meals and any chance they can get throughout the day. An important part of the social fabric, the Cuban’s strong brew is served in shots and best enjoyed while socializing.

 >> Penduduk Kuba menyukai kopi yang kuat, mereka percaya kopi dapat membantu mereka menjalani hari.

 6. Saudi Arabia


In Saudi Arabia and other Arabic cultures, coffee ceremonies follow many rules of etiquette, including always serving the elders first. It is also a common custom to serve this cardamom-spiced drink with dried dates to counter the coffee’s bitterness.

 >> Dalam Kebudayaan Arab, jamuan minum kopi sangat memperhatikan etika, termasuk mendahulukan orang yang lebih tua untuk mengambil atau meminum kopi. penyajian kurma kering sebagai pengiring kopi juga sering dilakukan untuk melawan rasa pahit yang ada di kopi. 

7. Netherlands


Not to be confused with Amsterdam’s infamous coffee shops, coffee-serving cafés are a celebrated part of the Dutch culture. Also known as bakkie troost, the Dutch kaffe is enjoyed any time of day, usually comes black, and is served alongside a cookie.

 >> Di Netherland, kopi biasanya di sajikan bersama kue kering


-Irish Coffee
Coffee meets cocktail with this after-dinner drink. Irish coffee includes hot coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar and the crowd-pleasing whipped-cream topper. Irish coffee was actually created in Ireland in the 1940s to warm up American tourists on a cold winter’s night, and remains as popular as ever.

 >> Sebenarnya Irish coffe dibuat pertama sekali di Irlandia pada tahun 1940 untuk menghangatkan turis-turis dari Amerika. Irish coffe merupakan campuran kopi panas, wiski Irish, gula dan Krim. Biasanya kopi ini diminum setelah menyantap makan malam.

 9. Mexico

- Café de Olla

If you like cinnamon in your coffee, this is your drink. Café de olla, a spiced coffee drink is brewed with cinnamon sticks in earthenware pots, which Mexicans swear brings out the coffee taste.

>> Kopi dengan rasa khas Meksiko ini cocok untuk Anda yang menyukai rasa manis alami dari kayu manis.


In Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, traditional coffee ceremonies are a distinguished part of the culture, with the brewing and serving process lasting up to 2 hours. Historically buna, as coffee is called here, was served with salt or butter instead of sugar.

>> Di kota yang mendapat julukan sebagai kota kelahiran kopi, upacara minum kopi terasa sangat menyebalkan, bayangkan saja, penyajiannya memakan waktu 2 jam belum lagi di negera ini kopi disajikan dengan garam atau mentega, bukan gula.

 11. Austria

Served in Viennese cafés, Austria’s traditional drink Mélange is very similar to a cappuccino. The drink contains espresso and steamed milk, topped with froth or sometimes whipped cream (what makes it different from a traditional cappuccino).

>> Melange sangat mirip dengan Cappuchino, yang membedakannya, terkadang Melange di beri toping busa, dan terkadang krim yang di kocok.

 and.... here's the last one 

12. Greece

  The Greek frappé is a frothy iced drink made with Nescafé instant coffee, cold water, sugar and evaporated milk -- and best enjoyed in an outdoor café.

 >> Kopi ini di buat dari kopi instan, air dingin, gula dan susu yang di uapkan.

Source :

Sept, 26th 2014

La Memoria - 18 "Fast Course 1"

Spanish (1)

why do I choice this language? cuz it's the funnest language I ever learn :D well the first reason, I wanna go there badly.

1.  Por Favor       : Please

2.  Un Poco         : A little

3.  Me Gustaria   : I would like

4.  Hola               : Hi

5.  Adios              : Goodbye

6.  Si                    : Yes

7.  No                  : No

8.  Gracias           : Thank You

9.  Cafe                : Coffe

10. Hablo             : I speak

11. Ingles             : English

12. Hablas            : Can You

(If U wanna Say "I can speak a little Spanish" here's how it write in Spanish "Hablo un poco de Espanol" easy right? :D )

13. Muy bien         : Very Well

14. como                : How

Sept, 26th 2014

La Memoria - 17 "Top Seven Green Buildings (AIA)"

To be honest, There're ten buildings, but I just take seven out of ten.

1. Cherokee Studios, Los Angeles

Brooks + Scarpa 
This apartment/office complex is built on the site of the old Cherokee recording studios in Los Angeles, which once hosted the likes of David Bowie and Warren Zevon but is now home to one of the greenest buildings in the U.S. The design uses passive cooling that takes advantage of the Southern California climate, and it has day lighting that minimizes the need for electric lights — most of which are high-efficiency LEDs.

 >> Bangunan ini termasuk salah satu dari sepuluh bangunan arsitektur hijau yang patut di lirik. bangunan ini meminimalisir penggunaan energi listrik dengan cara memaksimalkan pencahayaan alami dari luar bangunan sehingga meminimalkan kerusakan lingkungan. bangunan ini juga harusnya mampu menghapus opini masyarakat bahwa bangunan arsitektur hijau haruslah bangunan yang memiliki banyak tumbuh-tumbuhan di fasade dan lingkungan rumahnya. Come on guys, arsitektur hijau tidak hanya sebatas itu.

 2. First Unitarian Society Meeting House, Madison, Wis.

Kubala Washatko Architects Inc. 
The 20,000-sq.-ft. (1,850 sq m) addition to this historic Frank Lloyd Wright–designed meeting house is 40% more efficient than a comparable facility. The addition features recycled content and locally sourced materials, along with CO2 sensors that trigger a ventilation system to maximize energy savings when spaces are unoccupied. The addition has a vegetated roof, and individual lighting controls are in all the building areas.

 >> Pembaharuan yang dilakukan pada bangunan hasil desain Frank Lloyd Wright ini di lakukan dengan menambah beberapa fitur pada bangunan seperti sensor CO2, penambahan vegetasi di atap dan kontrol lstrik manual di seluruh area bangunan.

 3. Kiowa County Schools, Greensburg, Kans.

BNIM Architects 
After the town of Greensburg was almost totally destroyed by a tornado in 2007, the city fathers decided to build the city back green. This single K-12 school is the crown jewel. The design optimizes day lighting and natural ventilation while reducing the urban-heat-island effect through open area allocation and diverse landscaping. A 50-kilowatt wind turbine outside the school provides a portion of the building's energy needs, with much of the rest coming from a wind farm located outside the town.

 >> Bangunan ini mengoptimalkan penggunaan cahaya dan ventilasi alami, suplai energi bangunan juga didukung oleh kincir angin di luar bangunan.

 4. High Tech High, Chula Vista, Calif.

Studio E Architects T
his 550-student public charter school actually incorporates green design in the curriculum. The building management system includes a weather station, monitors and controls, in addition to irrigation and domestic water systems. That optimizes thermal comfort and indoor air quality while conserving energy and water. This is a green school that teaches just by being.

 >> Sekolah ini mengajarkan secara langsung penerapan arsitektur hijau pada bangunan dan lingkungan dari sistem manajemen bangunan termasuk pengaruh cuaca, sistem air dan irigasi. Selain mengumpulkan energi dan air, bangunan ini juga memaksimalkan kenyamanan thermal dan kualitas udara di dalam bangunan.

 5. Lance Armstrong Foundation, Austin, Texas

Lake | Flato Architects 
The headquarters for Lance Armstrong's foundation was established in a renovated 1950s warehouse that was transformed into a multifunctional office space. For the new design, 88% of the material from the original building was recycled and used, while the roof's center bays were replaced with north-facing windows to harvest daylight. No toxic chemicals were used in or around the building, which earned a gold certification from Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

 >> Bahan bangunan ini berasal dari 88 percen material bangunan aslinya yang dulunya berupa gudang, atap bangunan di modifikasi agar dapat mengumpulkan cahaya matahari. Tidak ada bahan beracun yang digunakan di dalam maupun di sekeliling bangunan.

 6. LOTT Clean Water Alliance, Olympia, Wash.

The Miller | Hull Partnership 
Most people wouldn't picture a sewage-treatment plant as a green building, but the LOTT Clean Water Alliance Regional Service Center is different. It has been optimized to provide solar heat and introduce daylight to reduce lighting. Methane generated from the plant's waste-treatment process is used in a cogeneration plant to create electricity and heat. The heat is used directly in the building, thereby eliminating the need for a boiler.

 >> Bangunan ini mengoptimalkan cahaya alami untuk mengurangi penggunaan listrik dan pemanasan yang berasal dari bangunan. Gas Metana yang di hasilkan dari proses pembuangan tumbuhan digunakan untuk menghasilkan listrik dan panas. Panas tersebut langsung digunakan bangunan sehingga tidak diperlukan wadah untuk menampung panas.

 7. Vancouver Convention Centre West, Vancouver

LMN Architects, DA/MCM 
Practically the entire city of ultra-environmental Vancouver could be considered one giant green building, but the convention center — the first such structure in the world to earn a platinum rating from LEED — stands out. The 6-acre (2.4 hectares) living roof hosts 400,000 indigenous plants, while free cooling economizers lower temperatures for the busiest seasons. The interior is fitted with CO2, VOC and humidity sensors; the heating and cooling are provided by seawater heat pumps powered by hydroelectricity.

 >> Bangunan ini dilengkapi atap yang dilengkapi dengan 400.000 tanaman setempat yang mampu menyeimbangkan suhu. interior bangunan dilengkapi dengan sensor CO2, VOC dan kelembapan.

 Source :

Sept, 26th 2014
I think it's my longest post till now.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Journey - 1 "So blue"

September, 26th 2014

Angin september yang beku menghujam tubuhku, kurapatkan jaket kulit berwarna hitam hingga hanya leherku yang mampu di elus sang angin. Rintik-rintik mulai berjatuhan saat kurapatkan sepedaku di sisi tembok gedung berlantai dua di hadapanku. Saat ku langkahkan kaki ke dalam, kudapati teman-teman masih sibuk bersenda gurau, pertanda belum ada tenaga pengajar yang datang, maklum saja mungkin angin beku tadi pun membekukan langkah mereka untuk merapat ke gedung ini. Ku keluarkan 'Scarface' yang belum rampung ku baca dari ransel yang sedari tadi menyender manja di bahu kiriku, warna putihnya yang mulai menggelap menyiratkan ia minta segera di ganti. saat ku buka lembar ke sembilan puluh tiga, aku melihatnya, masih dengan senyum merah mudanya, berlalu begitu saja di hadapanku. Anak jurusan sastra yang hanya mampu ku sebut namanya dari jauh itu berjalan bersama kawan baiknya menuju rintik-rintik yang mulai menderas.
Aku ingin mencegahnya pergi namun saat langkahku mendekatinya, dia sudah menjauh, menyisakan cipratan-cipratan kecil dari anugrah yang terus menghujam bumi juga meninggalkan sekelebat bayang kerudungnya yang hitam-menyimpan rapat kesuciannya.


La Memoria - 16 "What's difference?" (3)

Park, Garden and Orchard

1. Park
is an area of open space provided for recreational use. It can be in its natural or semi-natural state, or planted, and is set aside for human enjoyment or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats. It may consist of rocks, soil, water, flora and fauna  andareas, but may also contain buildings and other artifacts such as play grounds.

>> park adalah area hijau yang di peruntukkan untuk publik dan biasanya memiliki beberapa elemen pelengkap untuk mendukung aktifitas manusia.

2. Garden
garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature

>> Garden biasanya berupa area hijau yang lebih kecil dari park dan biasanya bersifat semi publik maupun non publik, garden biasanya terdapat di luar rumah, dan biasanya di isi dengan hal-hal yang dapat mencerminkan hobi pemiliknya seperti berkebun, menanam tanaman hias atau sengaja di biarkan kosong untuk di pakai sebagai tempat bermain anak. Dalam skala besar, garden dapat juga berfungsi sebagai cerminan dari suatu bangunan, selain berfungsi sebagai pendongkrak nilai estetis bangunan tersebut.

3. Orchard 
orchard is usually used to refer to an organized stand of fruit trees such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, etc.

>> Orchard lebih mengacu kepada area hijau yang di peruntukkan khusu untuk menanam pohon yang menghasilkan buah.


Sept, 26th 2014

Monday, September 1, 2014

La Memoria - 15 "Altair"

Altair is located 16.7 light-years (5.13 parsecs) from Earth and is one of the closest stars visible to the naked eye. Along with Beta Aquilae and Gamma Aquilae, it forms the well-known line of stars sometimes referred to as the Family of Aquila or Shaft of Aquila.

Altair is a type-A main sequence star with approximately 1.8 times the mass of the Sun and 11 times its luminosity. Altair possesses an extremely rapid rate of rotation; it has a rotational period of approximately 9 hours. For comparison, the equator of the Sun requires a little more than 25 days for a complete rotation. This rapid rotation forces Altair to be oblate; its equatorial diameter is over 20 percent greater than its polar diameter.

Satellite measurements made in 1999 with the Wide Field Infrared Explorer showed that the brightness of Altair fluctuates slightly, varying by less than a thousandth of a magnitude. As a result, it was identified in 2005 as a Delta Scuti variable star. Its light curve can be approximated by adding together a number of sine waves, with periods that range between 0.8 and 1.5 hours.

The name Altair has been used since medieval times. It is an abbreviation of the Arabic phrase النسر الطائر, an-nasr aṭ-ṭā’ir (English: The flying eagle). The term Al Nesr Al Tair appeared in Al Achsasi Al Mouakket catalogue, which was translated into Latin as Vultur Volans. This name was applied by the Arabs to the asterism of α, β, and γ Aquilae and probably goes back to the ancient Babylonians and Sumerians, who called α Aquilae the eagle star. The spelling Atair has also been used. Medieval astrolabes of England and Western Europe depicted Altair and Vega as birds.

The Koori people of Victoria also knew Altair as Bunjil, the Wedge-tailed Eagle, and β and γ Aquilae are his two wives the Black Swans. The people of the Murray River knew the star as Totyerguil. The Murray River was formed when Totyerguil the hunter speared Otjout, a giant Murray Cod, who, when wounded, churned a channel across southern Australia before entering the sky as the constellation Delphinus.

In Chinese, the asterism consisting of α, β, and γ Aquilae is known as hegu (河鼓; lit. "river drum").[23] Altair is thus known as hegu er (河鼓二; lit. "river drum two", meaning the "second star of the drum at the river").

However, Altair is better known by its other names: qianniu xing (牵牛星) or niulang xing (牛郎星), translated as the cowherd star.[28][29] These names are an allusion to a love story, The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd, in which Niulang (represented by Altair) and his two children (represented by β and γ Aquilae) are separated from respectively their wife and mother Zhinu (represented by Vega) by the Milky Way. They are only permitted to meet once a year, when magpies form a bridge to allow them to cross the Milky Way.

The people of Micronesia called Altair as Mai-lapa, "big/old breadfruit", while the Māori people called this star as Poutu-te-rangi, "pillar of heaven".

>> Altair adalah salah satu bintang yang memiliki banyak nama dan legenda, terkenal sering di pasangkan dengan Vega. Dalam bahasa Arab, Altair sendiri berarti elang yang sedang terbang. Orang-orang Babilonia menyebutnya bintang elang adapun orang Mauri menyebut bintang ini 'pillar of heaven' atau pilar surga.

Sept 1st, 2014

La Memoria - 14 "Aquila"

In illustrations of Aquila that represent it as an eagle, a nearly straight line of three stars symbolizes part of the wings. The center and brightest of these three stars is Altair. The tips of the wings extend further to the southeast and northwest. The head of the eagle stretches off to the southwest.

According to Gavin White, the Babylonian Eagle carried the constellation called the Dead Man in its talons. The author also draws a comparison to the Classical stories of Antinous and Ganymede. In classical Greek mythology, Aquila was identified as Αετός Δίας (Aetos Dios), the eagle that carried the thunderbolts of Zeus and was sent by him to carry the shepherd boy Ganymede, whom he desired, to Mount Olympus; the constellation of Aquarius is sometimes identified with Ganymede. In the Chinese love story of Qi Xi, Niu Lang (Altair) and his two children (β and γ Aquilae) are separated forever from their wife and mother Zhi Nu (Vega) who is on the far side of the river, the Milky Way. In Hinduism, the constellation Aquila is identified with the half-eagle half-human deity Garuda.

In Chinese astronomy, ζ Aql is located within the Heavenly Market Enclosure (天市垣, Tiān Shì Yuán), and the other stars of the constellation are placed within the Black Tortoise of the North (北方玄武, Běi Fāng Xuán Wǔ). There were several different Polynesian equivalents to Aquila as a whole. On the island of Futuna, it was called Kau-amonga, meaning "Suspended Burden". Its name references the Futunan name for Orion's belt and sword, Amonga. In Hawaii, Altair was called Humu, after the humu humu fish, and the whole constellation was called Humu-ma, the "Humu cluster". Humu-ma was said to influence the astrologers. Pao-toa was the name for the entire constellation in the Marquesas Islands; the name meant "Fatigued Warrior". There were also Polynesian constellations that incorporated the stars of modern Aquila. The Pukapuka constellation Tolu, meaning "three", was made up of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Aquilae. Altair was commonly named among Polynesian peoples as well. The people of Hawaii called it Humu, the people of the Tuamotus called it Tukituki ("Pound with a hammer")- they named Beta Aquilae Nga Tangata ("The Men")- and the people of Pukapuka called Altair Turu and used it as a navigational star. The Maori people named Altair Poutu-te-rangi, "Pillar of the Sky", because of its important position in their cosmology. It was used differently in different Maori calendars, being the star of February and March in one version and March and April in the other. Altair was also the star that ruled the annual sweet potato harvest.

>> Ada banyak legenda yang berbicara tentang Aquila, salah satu legenda yang paling terkenal adalah legenda dari China yang mengisahkan kisah cinta Qi Xi, Niu Lang dan dua orang anaknya, yang terpisah selamanya dari Istri dan ibu mereka, Zhi Nu (legenda ini mirip dengan legenda dari Jepang yang mengisahkan tentang terpisahnya dua orang kekasih karena sungai galaksi dan hanya dapat bertemu dalam waktu tertentu, nama pasangan kekasih itu adalah Altair dan Vega dan terpisahkan oleh Milky Way. Sejak saat ini orang Jepang memperingati pertemuan dua kekasih ini dengan upacara Tanabata).

Aquila sendiri di identifikasikan sebagai elang yang membawa petir Zeus yang di kirim olehnya untuk membawa anak gembala ganymede yang dia inginkan ke gunung olimpus.

Source :

Sept 1st, 2014