Friday, September 26, 2014

La Memoria - 17 "Top Seven Green Buildings (AIA)"

To be honest, There're ten buildings, but I just take seven out of ten.

1. Cherokee Studios, Los Angeles

Brooks + Scarpa 
This apartment/office complex is built on the site of the old Cherokee recording studios in Los Angeles, which once hosted the likes of David Bowie and Warren Zevon but is now home to one of the greenest buildings in the U.S. The design uses passive cooling that takes advantage of the Southern California climate, and it has day lighting that minimizes the need for electric lights — most of which are high-efficiency LEDs.

 >> Bangunan ini termasuk salah satu dari sepuluh bangunan arsitektur hijau yang patut di lirik. bangunan ini meminimalisir penggunaan energi listrik dengan cara memaksimalkan pencahayaan alami dari luar bangunan sehingga meminimalkan kerusakan lingkungan. bangunan ini juga harusnya mampu menghapus opini masyarakat bahwa bangunan arsitektur hijau haruslah bangunan yang memiliki banyak tumbuh-tumbuhan di fasade dan lingkungan rumahnya. Come on guys, arsitektur hijau tidak hanya sebatas itu.

 2. First Unitarian Society Meeting House, Madison, Wis.

Kubala Washatko Architects Inc. 
The 20,000-sq.-ft. (1,850 sq m) addition to this historic Frank Lloyd Wright–designed meeting house is 40% more efficient than a comparable facility. The addition features recycled content and locally sourced materials, along with CO2 sensors that trigger a ventilation system to maximize energy savings when spaces are unoccupied. The addition has a vegetated roof, and individual lighting controls are in all the building areas.

 >> Pembaharuan yang dilakukan pada bangunan hasil desain Frank Lloyd Wright ini di lakukan dengan menambah beberapa fitur pada bangunan seperti sensor CO2, penambahan vegetasi di atap dan kontrol lstrik manual di seluruh area bangunan.

 3. Kiowa County Schools, Greensburg, Kans.

BNIM Architects 
After the town of Greensburg was almost totally destroyed by a tornado in 2007, the city fathers decided to build the city back green. This single K-12 school is the crown jewel. The design optimizes day lighting and natural ventilation while reducing the urban-heat-island effect through open area allocation and diverse landscaping. A 50-kilowatt wind turbine outside the school provides a portion of the building's energy needs, with much of the rest coming from a wind farm located outside the town.

 >> Bangunan ini mengoptimalkan penggunaan cahaya dan ventilasi alami, suplai energi bangunan juga didukung oleh kincir angin di luar bangunan.

 4. High Tech High, Chula Vista, Calif.

Studio E Architects T
his 550-student public charter school actually incorporates green design in the curriculum. The building management system includes a weather station, monitors and controls, in addition to irrigation and domestic water systems. That optimizes thermal comfort and indoor air quality while conserving energy and water. This is a green school that teaches just by being.

 >> Sekolah ini mengajarkan secara langsung penerapan arsitektur hijau pada bangunan dan lingkungan dari sistem manajemen bangunan termasuk pengaruh cuaca, sistem air dan irigasi. Selain mengumpulkan energi dan air, bangunan ini juga memaksimalkan kenyamanan thermal dan kualitas udara di dalam bangunan.

 5. Lance Armstrong Foundation, Austin, Texas

Lake | Flato Architects 
The headquarters for Lance Armstrong's foundation was established in a renovated 1950s warehouse that was transformed into a multifunctional office space. For the new design, 88% of the material from the original building was recycled and used, while the roof's center bays were replaced with north-facing windows to harvest daylight. No toxic chemicals were used in or around the building, which earned a gold certification from Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

 >> Bahan bangunan ini berasal dari 88 percen material bangunan aslinya yang dulunya berupa gudang, atap bangunan di modifikasi agar dapat mengumpulkan cahaya matahari. Tidak ada bahan beracun yang digunakan di dalam maupun di sekeliling bangunan.

 6. LOTT Clean Water Alliance, Olympia, Wash.

The Miller | Hull Partnership 
Most people wouldn't picture a sewage-treatment plant as a green building, but the LOTT Clean Water Alliance Regional Service Center is different. It has been optimized to provide solar heat and introduce daylight to reduce lighting. Methane generated from the plant's waste-treatment process is used in a cogeneration plant to create electricity and heat. The heat is used directly in the building, thereby eliminating the need for a boiler.

 >> Bangunan ini mengoptimalkan cahaya alami untuk mengurangi penggunaan listrik dan pemanasan yang berasal dari bangunan. Gas Metana yang di hasilkan dari proses pembuangan tumbuhan digunakan untuk menghasilkan listrik dan panas. Panas tersebut langsung digunakan bangunan sehingga tidak diperlukan wadah untuk menampung panas.

 7. Vancouver Convention Centre West, Vancouver

LMN Architects, DA/MCM 
Practically the entire city of ultra-environmental Vancouver could be considered one giant green building, but the convention center — the first such structure in the world to earn a platinum rating from LEED — stands out. The 6-acre (2.4 hectares) living roof hosts 400,000 indigenous plants, while free cooling economizers lower temperatures for the busiest seasons. The interior is fitted with CO2, VOC and humidity sensors; the heating and cooling are provided by seawater heat pumps powered by hydroelectricity.

 >> Bangunan ini dilengkapi atap yang dilengkapi dengan 400.000 tanaman setempat yang mampu menyeimbangkan suhu. interior bangunan dilengkapi dengan sensor CO2, VOC dan kelembapan.

 Source :

Sept, 26th 2014
I think it's my longest post till now.

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